Speak Easy
Hi Babe,
Thank you for your letter. Did you know that public speaking is up there in the top five most common fears and phobias?! Yep, it’s a big one and I can relate.
I missed many career opportunities and speaking events throughout my life and truly felt that the fear was insurmountable. I began to see it as something people could or couldn't do. I was wrong. I have transitioned from physically shaking so much sharing my name during introductions in meetings to standing on stage and enjoying talking to hundreds. If I can do it, trust me you’ve got this!
It comes down to passion and a willingness to step past the feeling of potential embarrassment. If you’re truly passionate about your job or subject matter, then you have your WHY. Once you have that you’re halfway there. To get you past these nerves take opportunities to speak in any small groups of 10-20 and keep going. You may stumble on words at first, your hands probably will sweat, your voice may tremble… who cares?! If you are knowledgeable and sincere in your subject, everyone in that room will be willing you on, thinking ‘wow I wish I could do that’.
It’s going to be a ride, so don’t be afraid to use notes to keep you on track, speak slowly, and pace yourself. There are some great books and podcasts that can support you with techniques.
The confidence grows but the nerves may always be there — many of the greatest speakers I know suffer terribly with nerves at every event and I believe this helps them resonate with the audience, remain humble, and aid connection.
With love, Malee