Worry and Worth

Ask Malee Letters — worry and worth.png

Hi Babe,

Firstly congratulations on securing a new role — that’s epic in the current climate.

Secondly, I can understand your feelings of nervousness and anxiety but play close attention as to where these feelings stem from. I believe you’ll find they arise from future-based imaginings and stories about things that may not or could not happen, pressure or expectations that are yet to be real. We all do this from a need to control or prepare ourselves but currently this is not aiding you. 

When these feelings come up for you, try to identify the thoughts that have triggered them and once observed just accept this as completely normal. It can be daunting beginning something new but imagine also the incredible possibilities. New learnings, new experiences and new friends. You got the job and deep down you know you can do it. Your new colleagues will each be feeling uncomfortable and unfamiliar coming out of lockdown and navigating it the best they can. Remind yourself of all your firsts and how scary they have felt before you embedded them to experience. Remember the courage you have shown many times before.

It has been a very bizarre time, you are not alone. Stress and worry can feel overwhelming but although you mentioned not handling it well, what does ‘well’ even look like in times like this. As for multitasking, it’s like riding a bike, babe, so find fun new ways that can help you organise and brain-dump. Journaling, vision boards, daily lists, affirmations can all really help.

Babe, you’ve got this!

With love, Malee


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